Saturday 19 October 2013

Welcome to MineCraft Master

Hi my name is Ethan and I am 10 years old. I love Minecraft and I am pretty good at it. My mom and I decided that I should share the things I know about Minecraft with other kids. I can answer questions and give advice too. Please comment below if you have a problem and I will try to solve it for you. Remember, my Mom is watching this site carefully and any stupid stuff will be deleted and she will tell your parents.

First off - Minecraft is an online world with thousands of creative possibilities and monster fighting survival with no violence.

Why is Minecraft good? Minecraft is good because I like playing with my friends online. It helps you be creative.

How much Minecraft should you play? You should play between five minutes to the most of two hours. If you play longer than two hours, it will be difficult to play because I usually get dizzy after playing Minecraft for too long.

Who can play Minecraft? Minecraft ages are between 6 and up to even teenagers. Minecraft can be as easy or hard as you want it to be with a push of a button.

How do you start playing Minecraft? First, ask your parents because parents are like that. Then, go to MINECRAFT.NET and try it out for free using the demo version. If you like it, and you (AGAIN) ask your parents, you can buy the full version for about $20 depending on where you live.

WARNING there are a lot of virus sites out there that are labelled as Official Minecraft Websites. The website should look like this:

If it doesn't look like this, you will get a virus and your Dad will freak out! Trust me.

So get started, look around and I will post again very soon about how to do some cool things.

Keep Crafting

1 comment:

  1. You there, this is really good post here. Thanks for taking the time to post such valuable information. Quality content is what always gets the visitors coming. Free Minecraft Players
